Monday, May 2, 2011

It's been too long!

I have not posted a blog in soooo long! Well to sum things up, I am almost done with dental hygiene school, one more month to go! Robert and I are now engaged, we got engaged Feb. 4! I can't wait to start planning our wedding after school is done. I promise to re post soon. Things are just so crazy busy with school right now.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ok, wow, I haven't updated my blog in so long, this is horrible. So, I will try to catch everyone up a little. I will first start off with Robert's graduation. So as most of you know Robert was in the CHP academy. Well he graduated in May and is patrolling in good ol' L.A. Cities within L.A. such as Compton and Inglewood, you know safe places like that. He not only is on the highway, he is on the streets as well. He loves his job and couldn't be happier. He has had a couple exciting arrests but has not seen any horrible car accidents or horrible deaths yet, thank goodness. Both of our families are extremely proud of him! Please keep your prayers with him. Here are some pictures of graduation week.
I was so excited to finally visit this place in Sacramento that was so foreign to me. Robert lived here for six months and until graduation week I was not allowed to take a tour! The entire academy process was long and tough for both of us (Robert more so of course). We had never been away from eachother so long. He went through long grueling days and nights, countless hours of practice and studying and little sleep. The staff there even put him on the "Fat Table." What in the world? Robert is so skinny. So the entire six months he was rail thin and bald!

This picture was taken on during the "Capital Run." This run was a 5 mile run from the CHP academy to the Capital buliding at 5 am! This run is very special, it represents the transition from Cadet to Officer. Many loved ones of the Cadets gather to cheer them on. When the Cadets finally arrived at the Capital building I just broke down into tears. Everything was finally over and all the stress from the academy had ended.

240 Cadets started this journey and 173 finished it!

This was taken at the graduation party.

We went out to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack with his family one night.

I am so proud of Robert and Love him so much! HOO RAH!

.....More blogs to come soon!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Big Bear

This past weekend Robert and I went up to Natalie's parent's Big Bear cabin with Natalie and Robby. We headed up there after Robert flew in from Sacramento and got there at about 12am. Saturday was alot of fun. We went shopping in the village, we went to the zoo, took a walk by the lake with Nat's dogs and went out to dinner. The zoo was amazing there! We got super close to the animals. Most of the animals there were native to Big Bear, so we saw animals that you wouldn't get to see anywhere else. My favorite animals were the black bear for his personality, the timber wolves and the snow leopard because they were pretty. We came home Sunday night, got to have dinner with Robert's family and off to the airport he went. It is always hard saying good bye. 9 more weeks to go....HOORAH!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What happened with Jason?

Ok, as you may or may not know I am a huge fan of the TV show The Bachelor.

And I am totaly blown away by Jason's actions! So, I was rooting for Molly the whole time. Basically since day one. And I was really excited when it got down to the final two and she was still around. I totally thought she had it in the bag because on their undeniable connection and he never met Melissa's parents and that is a huge deal. As I am wathing the finale, with my aunt, Lauire, we were really excited to see who was going to win. And when we saw Molly get out of the limo we yelled "NOOOOOOO!" I felt so bad for her and was really confused as to why when he let Molly go he acted like he wanted to jump off the balcony; when the "love of his life" was coming to be proposed to. So, when Melissa came and he asked for her hand it was super cute and I thought "Wow they really look like they are in love." Then the After the Rose came on and things got ugly. Chris, the show's host, comes on and says that this is so dramatic that they didn't have a live audience and that this has never happened in Bachelor history. My aunt and I are freaking out thinking that someone died or something. But, no, Jason comes on and says that he's going to break up with Melissa, after only dating 6 weeks! We just looked at eachother and said "WHAT?" Melissa comes on to talk to Jason and Chris, poor girl, and Jason breaks up with her. She was clearly very upset with him for not really giving their relationship a fair shot. And then begins to tell her that he loves Molly! We are just blown away at this point. Anyways, Molly comes and Jason tells her everything. And she takes him back. I mean I guess I can understand the whole thing and I am glad they are following their hearts. But, what about poor Melissa?! Last night they had a part 2 to the after the rose. Jason and Molly were on and still in love and also moving in together. They also announced the next Bachelorette, Jill (from this season). Hopefully she will grow on me! I just wish Melissa could have been it instead.

Monday, February 2, 2009

San Francisco/ Sacramento

I drove up to Sacramento this past weekend all my myself! The drive was really long and boring, it took about 6 1/2 hours to get there. When I got there I picked up Robert and we drove to San Francisco. By the time we got there I was so sick of being in the car! We arrived at about eight o'clock and we walked around Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf and then went back to the hotel. Saturday morning we woke up early and hit the town. We started in Chinatown, which wasn't too exciting. It was mostly stores with food and junk. Of course, I was looking for something with Hello Kitty in San Francisco but didn't find anything good. After Chinatown we took the cable car To Pier 39. There, we looked at the Sea Lions, got our picture drawn on the street, ate clam chowder, went shopping and tried to go to Alcatraz but they were sold out :( After the pier we walked to Ghirardelli Square and then up this hill to over look the Golden Gate bridge. We tried to do as much as we could in one day, but walking everywhere really took up alot of time. Saturday night we headed back down to Sacramento to relax. Sunday, I dropped Robert off at the academy and all the new cadets were there with their families. The looks on their faces took me back to when Robert first started. I want to wish them all luck! Robert's class is halfway done and that much closer to the highway HOOO RAH!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hannah Just turned 1! She is such a good dog. She loves being outdoors; going on hikes, to the park, the dog beach, and going on long walks. Hannah is super smart and loves a good challege. You can teach her any trick and she will pick it up very fast. She is like my child so she is very spoiled.
She is hoping to be a future police officer with her daddy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Robert's in the CHP Academy!

So about 2 and a half months have gone by, and there are 3 and a half months left to go! The academy is in Sacramento so he is living there. He is doing very well. He is number 20 out of 220 in his class ranking. I have been up to Sacramento once so far, and got to drive by the academy. It's huge! We are all so proud of him. He is closer to living his dream!